Sunday Brunch is the perfect Sunday program for the night life aficionado. Featuring deep house, chill-out, downtempo and chill-hop and jazzy sounds blended with some appealing visuals. After a night of partying and such, it’s a great way to ease into and relax on Sundays.
Nightlyfe TV is please to have partnered with Chillhop Music for their extensive and outstanding music content. Please visit their youtube page for more quality music and fantastic live streams. http://youtube.com/chillhopdotcom
With the recent channel updates and reshuffle, Sessions now incorporate some videos from the show playlists of Live @ the Club, The Underground and all the videos from the former show Scene Fridays. Going forward, all DJ Performances and Recordings will be housed under the Sessions Program. The Underground will continue to showcase event videos that primarily feature the overall ambience, dancing and audience participation from smaller and more intimate venues. Live @ the Club will now truly hold up to its name and focus on capturing live streams from selected venues on a regular basis.